Taskstreamer plays nice with other applications based on API’s. If we don’t publicly offer a specific one yet, just ask.
Two-way Jira synchronisation
Our Jira integration synchronizes issues types Epics, Stories and Sub-tasks.
Attributes like title, description, state, assignee are kept the same between both systems.
As Taskstreamer works with teams and Jira with projects, you can map Jira projects to Taskstreamer teams.
You can set as many rules as you want and per rule determine which direction the sychronization should work.
Per issue type you can choose to:
Sychronize both ways
Sychronize from Jira to Taskstreamer
Sychronize from Taskstreamer to Jira
Not sychronize that specific issue type at all for that project
Of course you can also map states as they can differ in Jira vs Taskstreamer.
Set Jira integration rules
Single Sign On (SSO) with OKTA
Taskstreamer offers it own user accounts with its own login.
If your organization uses OKTA as their Single Sign On system your can configure your account to act as the authenticator for Taskstreamer.
Once set, the login feature of Taskstreamer will be disabled in favor of the OKTA one.
This enables you the manage user accounts from OKTA and not in both systems.
Okta assign user dashboard
Link story administration to development in Github
If you link your Github repositories to Taskstreamer, all Commits and Pull Requests (PR) done by developers that contain a ticket id can be tracked
in the Story details.
This means the story and code development administration are linked and you can trace your releases to Stories.
Github Commits & Pull Requests tab
Do your (remote) poker session in Slack
With Taskstreamer you can do your poker planning for Stories in Slack. This is very useful for remote teams but even teams that are in the same room, can benefit from poker planning in Slack.
The PO, Scrum Master or anyone that acts as the chairman of the Poker session, makes a request to get the Poker points for a certain story.
Every team member receives a Slack message in the designated Slack channel to cast his or her vote. Each vote is visible to the chairman in Taskstreamer.
If everyone agrees, the chairman can set the Story Points for that Story. If not, more discussion, refinement of clarification is probably needed. Afterwards, everyone can vote again.
Request Poker points
Slack Poker options
Our Benefits
for Management
Align strategy to operational teams
Know the effects of decisions before they are made
Taskstreamer increases efficiency on prioritizing and adding value. It helps our planning and structures discussion.
Taskstreamer gives an easy overview what is going on and what dependencies to manage.
We could plan our entire organization in Taskstreamer.
Independant user research February 2020 - Intergamma
Taskstreamer enabled us to align our teams and have them collaborate on our roadmap efficiently.
Arthur van Weeren - Head of Technology & Innovation Intergamma
Use for free
You can use Taskstreamer for free for up to 10 users. No credit card required.