Align strategy to execution

Set and manage your strategy

Know the effects of decisions before they are made

Align strategy to operational teams

Prioritize work for maximum value

Taskstreamer process

Our Benefits

for managers

for Management

  • Align strategy to operational teams
  • Know the effects of decisions before they are made
for product owners

for Product Management

  • Objectively prioritize work for value
  • Communicate progress based on Continuous Roadmaps in real-time
for stakeholders

for Stakeholders

  • Stay on top of progress
  • Understand how work is prioritized and why

How it works

Define your Strategy

Set your ultimate goal and through strategic pillars, create your strategy for succes.

Use the well-known and widely used strategic models like OKRs or OGSM. Both are fully supported by Taskstreamer, cascading from management to your tactical layer to prepare for execution.

Communicate your strategy and get a grip on its progress.
Strategy with OKR
Strategy with OKR

Value Bucket Model

Use the Value Bucket Model to be able to prioritize your work for value. It is defined within the context of your organization

Creating value model is done in 3 steps: set, normalize and weigh your value parameters.

Taskstreamer translates the actual value for Features to a score for easy communication and alignment. Everyone sees what is most valuable to work on first.
Value Bucket Model
Value Bucket Model input

Link initiatives to your Strategy

Strategy is not set in stone and your preferences will change over time. It is important that execution can be influenced in their prioritization. Use OKR, OGSM and/or Themes to define Strategy.

By linking Epics, Features or any Initiative to Strategy, you can see when work is expected to be done based on the Continues Roadmaps that Taskstreamer generates. Everytime an Feature is updated, its entire impact will be shown.

So now you know where to act.
Link epics to strategy
Link Features to Strategy

Run what-if scenarios

So you think a change in priorities is necessary. Usually when a Feature gets a higher priority to be delivered sooner, other Features will have to wait. Do you know which ones? Probably not. Is that acceptable to you?

Do you want to know what the effects of your decisions are beforehand?

Taskstreamer lets you run what-if scenarios with different Strategy and Theme weights, a change in Value Bucket Model, team capacity or to check the impact of new (not yet approved) Features. We will show you what the changes in priority will be and how that affects expected delivery windows.
What if analysis
What-if analysis

Central Feature Backlog

Within a value group (or department) teams work together and share their Feature Backlog. It shows all the Features, the teams working on them, what the team dependencies are, their value, effort and priority in a single overview.

Before working on a Feature it should be approved by all necessary teams so everybody is on board.

What to focus on?
Features in progress to make sure they are on track and unapproved Epics to prepare the next big thing.
Central Epic Backlog
Feature Backlog

Continuous Roadmap

The Feature Backlog translates into a Continuous Roadmap that can be used to inform Stakeholders, check progress and shows what's next. We call it continuous since it is updated in real-time with every information update that is made.

Whenever a team is faster (or slower) than expected, new value is discovered, dependencies or strategies change, our algorithm calculates the new optimal sequence in which to do things. Every team can be updated for their next sprint to achieve maximum value.

Our roadmap is an actual view on data, not some Gantt chart someone tries to make fit through drag and drop features.

Portfolio Planning
Combining the roadmaps of all your Value Groups transforms into your Portfolio Planning. Filter it anyway you like. You have control.
Continuous roadmap
Continuous Roadmap

Now next later
Now, Next, Later view

Our Integrations

Taskstreamer plays nice with other applications based on API’s. If we don’t publicly offer a specific one yet, just ask.
  • 2-way sync for all issues per project
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Link Commits and Pull Requests to Stories
  • Do your Story poker sessions in Slack

What people say about us

Taskstreamer increases efficiency on prioritizing and adding value. It helps our planning and structures discussion. Taskstreamer gives an easy overview what is going on and what dependencies to manage. We could plan our entire organization in Taskstreamer.
Independant user research February 2020 - Intergamma
Taskstreamer enabled us to align our teams and have them collaborate on our roadmap efficiently.
Arthur van Weeren - Head of Technology & Innovation
Arthur van Weeren Intergamma

Use for free

You can use Taskstreamer for free for up to 10 users. No credit card required.